Refund and Returns Policy

Mistakes happen, and we aim to please. After your purchase, if for some reason you decide to return the product, make sure to consider these important things:


  • Only tea item(s) purchased directly from Tropical Health & Wellness, may be returned to us. Tropical Health & Wellness products purchased through other retailers must be returned in accordance with their respective return and refund policy.
  • Make sure that the tea item(s) you’re returning still is still in the original bag, no broken seal, or reseal,  with all the goods and documentation that were included when you received it.
  • After receipt, you have 3 business days to return any of our tea item(s).

We understand you may need to make a return so do not hesitate to call or email us through our “contact us” page or simply send us an email at

Upon receipt of the tea item(s), please allow us 7 business days to issue a refund. We are not responsible for lost shipments and all shipping costs for returned items are the responsibility of the customer.